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Dealing with a Narcissist at Work, as Explained by RocheMartin

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

Photo Mariel Reiser

The narcissist is quite a difficult character. The fear driving these difficult behaviours is the fear of losing admiration and potentially being exposed and shamed.

Dr Martyn Newman - RocheMartin


Characteristics of a narcissist

  • operates with a deep level of emotional dyscontrol

  • often externalizes their emotional needs in an attempt to get gratification

  • exhibits traits of arrogance

  • displays exaggerated sense of self importance


A narcissist’s constant need for admiration can lead to them becoming an exhibitionist and risk-taker, and can ultimately result in frequent errors of judgment


Feelings for Ill Prepared Managers

can be hard to stay calm | can also be difficult to respect the person | can be easy to make judgments

Counterproductive if you are aiming for long term success!


Effective responses

  1. don't buy into their need for admiration. Doing so is a significant mistake.

  2. listen and be attentive when they are speaking, but avoid giving the narcissist any special treatment.

  3. keep your responses neutral.

  4. never argue. Feelings of anger and shame lie just beneath the surface of a narcissist. Arguments can make a relationship instantly untenable.



don't share anything personal about your life | don't ask for advice | give any positive feedback which is a degree of indifference


Relevant Emotional Intelligence Cmpetencies

Empathy | Straightforwardness | Self-Control | Relationship Skills


Delve Deeper


James O'Boyle MBA MSc

Emotionally Agile You Newletter - A smorgasbord of tools, techniques and scientifically driven advice to help you thrive.

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